How to write a great job ad

Your Job posting give first impression about your company for an interested candidate.  Therefore, your job advertisement should not only contain all the correct information, but it should also be well written and compelling to force the right applicants to apply. 

What makes a good job ad?

The Dutybell survey confirmed that candidates are looking for details of ‘Job Location, Salary, Skills, duties and ‘Company Culture with information about the company’. This is part of effective job ads

In order to force the best candidates to apply, your job ad should feature your company as much as possible.

Read on to learn everything you need to focus on writing the best possible job ad.

How to write a job ad: Everything you need to include

A great job ad consists of a few key details:

  •  A clear job titles
  •  Company details
  •  Duty details
  •  Job requirements and skills
  •  Salary range and perks
  •  Job Location
  •  Application process overview
  •  Photos and video (related to company)

learning how to write a good job ad is vital to attracting the right candidates to your company

Before posting a job

1. Start with a clear job title and start date

The job title is the most important part of your job ad and should stand out when dealing with a potential applicant. And don’t forget to include the start date of the job.

2. Write about your company

When you write your job ad, you expect applicants to know nothing about your company or your customers. Start with a brief description of who you are and what you do. Try to describe it in one short paragraph. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight your accomplishments, recognition, and your organization’s challenge and core values.

3. Talk about the specific team in which the new hire will be joining

In another paragraph, briefly mentions the specific team, the new hire will be working with. This is a good opportunity to talk about the team’s achievements, past work and future work plans.

4. Set clear, performance-based goals

Defining the role with clear, performance-based goals will tell applicants what their true job responsibilities will be.

The motive is to focus on the results you expect from the new hire, rather than education or experience.

When listing key roles, responsibilities, and job duties, don’t overwhelm your candidates with too much information, try to list only three to seven items. Adding more than seven role responsibilities would discourage the candidates from applying.

5. Be Specific but Realistic About Skills and Job Requirements

Don’t scare your candidates with lengthy and unrealistic skills and any other requirements. Be sensible in creating your list of skills as even the most qualified candidates may be discouraged from applying after seeing an extensive list of required skills.

6. Must include Salary and Incentives

Now more than ever, it’s incredibly important to include a salary in your job ad to attract your ideal candidate.

Paying attention to the salary range not only increases the credibility of your company, but also gives the candidate the confidence that he is not wasting his time.

In addition, more than 70% of people who quit their job say that salary is the main reason for changing jobs. If your average salary is higher than your previous position, they may see you as their next employer. It’s also incredibly important to mention the benefits. Be sure to talk about training programs, rewards and incentives.

7. Discuss location OR remote work options

In a few short sentences, provide an overview of your business location. Location is crucial and candidates will pay close attention to this.

A survey on hired candidates said an opportunity with a good location would make them more attractive for a job offer, and part of candidates said location is more important than salary.

8. Keep it short

Because there needs to be so much information, you want your job posting to be as digestible as possible. The ideal length of a job advertisement is between 350 and 650 words. Keep each section to a few short sentences and use bullet points whenever possible to give it more structure and improve readability.

Remember that the job posting really only needs to convey the core information about the vacancy, your company and your workplace culture. Try to keep everything as short and to the point as possible.

9. Add pictures

Pictures have it all; Job seekers are more likely to be attracted to a company that incorporates visual elements into their job postings. Additionally, 30% of applicants found that looking at a company’s product or service was more effective, and 22% of applicants found photos of current employees attractive.

Get creative with your images and add video testimonials from employees. Ask them to talk about your company and its culture, why they enjoy working there, and why job seekers should apply for a job.

10.Have someone review your ad.
Contact several people at your company to review your job posting before posting it. It helps to have different people read your job ad to ensure your overall message is clear and accurate.

Note- If you have purchased Dutybell job posting product, then there is no need to review from your side. After you post a job, our experts review every part of job ads.

Streamline your job advertisement process with Dutybell.

If you’re experiencing writing a perfect job ad with your job postings, or you simply don’t have the time to spend in writing and want to just post your job ads, Dutybell Creative writing team will help you.

Dutybell team and job posting software have the capabilities to handle the recruitment process and give you 100% satisfaction in hiring. Click here to sign up for a demo.

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